Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Worst Week EVER!!! (warning long story)

Y'all last week was notably the worst week of my life..... no doubt. To fill you in I have to start back a week or two......

May 8th I started back to work (huge sigh and eye rolling inserted here). Madilyn did great!!! Both Wednesday and Thursday that week she was a different baby. Less clingy, happy, she even began liking hanging out with her daddy. However I noticed she had a runny nose when I picked her up that day. No biggy I just kept the Selene and the snot sucker close by. However that night she began coughing which concerned me. I decided to call the doctor that Friday since the weekend was approaching and I didn't want to have to take her to the weekend facilities.

Madilyn's pediatrician was out of the office until today actually :). So I had to visit another pediatrician in our area. Anyway he gave her antibiotics and wanted her back the following Tuesday for a check up. That Saturday after getting the antibiotics girl was a brand new baby!!!! Happy Happy Happy.

Tuesday we went for her check up and she was clear as far as what ailed her the previous Friday. However the pediatrician that was not our own ordered an upper GI to confirm our pediatrician's hunch that Madilyn had acid reflux. (She was already on Zantac for it, I think this guy wanted to take her off).  Anyhow we went the next day for the GI. The radiologist simply said "no reflux" and walked out.

Ok now fast forward to the worst day of my life!!!! The following Monday May 20th, I get a phone call from the pediatrician that ordered the GI. They said that Madilyn had a "malrotation of her lower bowel" and it could be potentially serious. Well of coarse the first thing I do is google it. I know  know I shouldn't have but I was confused and just wanted to know what we were dealing with. It isn't the worst thing your child can be diagnosed with but would most likely require surgery and there is a small risk of fatality. Any risk is too much risk and this momma cried all day and all night!!!

They scheduled us for an appointment in Birmingham with a pediatric gastroenterologist the next morning (Tuesday morning) at 9:30. To make a long story a little less long, I will skip some details and say the specialist sent us to have another upper GI and lower bowel follow through done at children's hospital. After being there a good three hours they said Madilyn did not have the Malrotation but indeed have acid reflux. We were sent home with all new meds (which have now given me a whole new set of worries)......

I was so relieved to find out it wasn't as bad as we had thought. However my relief was short lived. Thursday evening I receive a phone call that my maternal grandmother had passed away. She was found in her house by my Aunt. They suspect she had a heart attack sometime that morning. So needless to say our weekend was filled with funeral homes, tears and funeral services.

On top of all this Madilyn's new meds appear to be making things worse. I am now confused and at a loss. I am her mother I am supposed to be able to fix it but I feel like I am just making things worse. Pray for me folks because I am on the edge of insanity.....

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

3 Months!!!

I cannot believe girl is 3 Months old!!! At 3 months Madilyn weighs 8.96 pounds and is 22 inches long. Yes I know, I know, girl is little!!! It actually concerned me a little, well alot more than it used to now that a doctor seemed concerned last week. Not our doctor but another doctor we had to visit because was out for the majority of the month. 
Madilyn is eating/drinking 4 ounces about every three hours. We have now been adding one ounce of formula to 3 ounces breast milk in an attempt to fatten this girl up. This is what the Doc we visited last week advised. I complied against my better judgement. The thought of baby girl not thriving scares me more than not exclusively breast feeding. However, I have told myself when she catches up and begins eating some cereal and other solids I will pull her off the formula.... we shall see.
She is getting pretty good at holding her head steady for long periods of times. She does good when she wants to. Now will she do things when she doesn't want to????? Um no, girl is stubborn and has her momma's temper ;).

She will roll from her back to her side and stop. I am super jealous of the babies her age that can do the mini-push up and flip right over with ease. But I try to tell myself that it is not a race and she isn't behind yet. Plus she is still so tiny and just might roll from her back to belly first.
She just discovered she likes this one particular rattle and the first place it goes is in her mouth!!! 

She started daycare a week and a half ago and it must be hard work because girl is TIRED!!!! She can't even make it through her bath.....
And because I did not post month one and two, I thought we'd compare....


And just because I love the face she is making.....

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Back to the Real World

Well Hello!!!!! Long time no see, I come to you from my desk at work (on my lunch break that is ;) ). I cannot believe my 11 week maternity leave is over. How did that fly by so fast?  I am actually doing really good being at work today but I must admit the thought of continuing to come work and leave baby girl at home every day makes me super sad :(. I wish it was a couple of days a week sort of thing. I am just praying hubby works some kind of miracle and brings in the doe so I can sit my hind end at the house :)

This entry will be picture free but I do intend to post some pics and things I missed during my leave from the blogosphere.

Until Next Time
