Friday, May 27, 2011

Kick Off

Today at 5:00 we will be kicking off Justin D Bishop's Birthday weekend!!!!!!!!!!! We have big plans!!!! We will spend tonight buying groceries and shopping for front Porch Columns. (oooohh extravagant I know)
These are the ones I want if anyone cares
Then as per our contractor we will spend Saturday tearing the roof off of the old part of our house, ordering MORE building materials (this is a once a week occurrence) and sweating to death in 92 degree weather. (Fun Fun). Saturday night I plan to make one of two Birthday cakes for my sweet sweet man.

Sunday we are headed to the lake (right after church)!!! There we will eat swim, get a tan, eat cake number one and celebrate this great holiday (oh and memorial day too :) ) Then I shall go home and begin work on cake number two.

Monday we will finish the list of homework/choirs our contractor leaves for us and that night we plan to have a Dinner for the Birthday boy. It will be a small event, just parents and possibly grand parents. I usually plan a big birthday dinner with all of Justin's friends and co-workers but figured I'd better downsize this year (you know since I am homeless and all). I have no idea what the menu will be. This is odd for me I usually have this kind of stuff planned out weeks in advance  (this whole house thing is throwing me off my game). I do know what we will have for guessed it Cake Number Two!!!! I hope Jo doesn't kick me out of her kitchen before the chaos is completely over. I REALLY need my kitchen back but I guess her's will have to do. After all, Mi Casa Su Casa...right? Right? (JoJo I know you are shaking your head in

Justin if you are reading this STOP rolling your eyes in disgust. You are having a Birthday weekend whether you like it or not!!!!! You deserve it!!!! After all look how cute you are........

I Love You Jus, Happy 29th Birthday!!!!

Uh Huh, you heard right everyone, 29!!!! (he isn't getting any younger......just sayin)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Is that a roof ?

Why yes I believe it is.........Well part of one anyway :)

The view from the top......

Hopefully the garage will be dried in sometime next week. Then its the master bedroom's turn :) and don't worry the garage will not always be taller than the rest of the house. The old part is getting a little height too.

And finally, I leave you with our attempt at a self portrait......

 I know keep our day jobs right...........

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Finally New Stuff

We have had a productive week at the Bishop (half a) house hold.

First we had our concrete poured for Justin's massive garage.....

We also had our footings poured.....

As soon as the concrete was ready the garage began to take shape.....

Sims Masonry laid the block for the rest of the fondation.....
This will be our front porch

This will be the Master bedroom, closets and bath

Still the Bedroom

What will be added to the Kitchen to make room for dining room

The extra bedroom

Justin's little workroom (plus stairs to bonus room)

Lastly I want to show you the supervisor of the project............
she sits and watches everyday

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Shrinking Houses, Great Friends and Cake

When I got home from work yesterday this is what I found.......

This is what was left of the front of our house. ( you can't tell it but there is actually new wood there too)

This is what was our front living room.

When the chimney came out we were left with this lovely hole :)

Our old master bedroom

The guest bedroom

From the kitchen looking into the back room, (what we called the futon room)

 The back room/futon room.......

Our lovely kitchen window :)

Other than the remodeling I also got away to spend time with my BFF's Saturday morning (no pics, sorry). From there I went over to my good friend Bethany's house to assist with a Bridal Shower cake....

I was pretty impressed if I must say so my self. Beth did a great job with this one but she did have a good supervisor ;).

Monday, May 2, 2011

Where We "Aren't" Living

Okay so according to our insurance company a camper cannot be a temporary residence. Therefore here is a pic of where we are under no circumstances, absolutely not living ;)

I will post pics of the inside (where we only store things) later today.