Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Blog Hooked

Okay it is official.... I am "blog hooked"!! It may be fairly obvious since I am posting at 10:20 on a Tuesday night. Normally my bed has been calling my name for about 20 minutes now. Well I guess it still is but my need to be "in the know" is much greater.

I love the fact I can keep up with all my favorite people.  I feel I know every move those cute little kiddos make. Not to mention the ones who have yet to enter the world. I guess living vicariously through these lovely little mommas and mommas to be is enough for me (for now).

Also, I am super siked. Another friend of mine has climbed onto the blogging band wagon. (it's about time). I love hearing from her. Although when we talk she ends up patiently waiting while I vent about something or someone. Ahh what a great friend to pretend to care about what some crazy person said about you today.

It's weird.....reading about some one's day to day activities in a blog can make you feel much more close to them. Even if they are complete strangers. So for this I say......thank you Elena for the band wagon....lol

1 comment:

  1. Oh you are so welcome! I LOVE that ya'll all have blogs now! It enhances my day when I see a new post:) I can't take credit though...I followed in Brooke's footsteps in the blogging world.


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