Thursday, January 19, 2012

This Little Piggy

After discovering EVERYONE but me had discovered pintrest I decided I needed to join the movement. I am enjoying it for the most part. I do think my wallet is going to suffer but Hobby Lobby will appreciate it I am sure. There are a few crafts on my agenda. However last night I tried something I saw and it cost Zip, Zero, Nada. I already had the stuff.

It wasn't a craft per say.....

It was ladybug toe nails. Now before I show you I want to say I have the ugliest toes known to man. It took a lot of nerve for me to post pics of my gnarly feet. In fact the droid, my little piggies and I had like a hour long photo shoot last night. Anyway without further ado.....

What do think????? (looking solely at the paint job and not the disfigured toes)


  1. Welcome to the Pinterest world! It is nothing less than life changing. And, no you do not have the ugliest feet because that award belongs to me. I wanted to show y'all how swelled my feet were before Reese was born but I was too ashamed of their ugliness!

  2. Love Pinterest...and the toes! I am not the least bit crafty, but I'm still addicted. I have gotten a ton of good recipes there and some cute ideas for the kids! :)

  3. Wow, you didn't get those toes from me! :-)


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