Friday, July 22, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away

My friend Allison has told me from the beginning......"Building a house is a game of hurry up and wait". Lord was she right!! At first it goes smoothly. You have your general contractor there to do the work and you don't have to fool with anyone else. After you get it dried in, its a different story.

If I wasn't a huge wad of nerves before I AM NOW!!  Building is all about timing. First siding, then plumbing, duct work and wiring, then insulation, then sheet rock, so on and so forth. I went into the game knowing that I was a MAJOR planner. This would be no trouble. However if one person ONE single person can't make it everything is out of whack from there. I believe its called "the domino effect", or more formally known as "The driving Brandi CRAZY effect". Seriously, I hope we come under budget with this project because Justin will need some money left over to have me committed!!!!

I know I bring most of it on myself because lets face it I am what happens when anal retentive control freak breads with a hot headed penny pincher. (And dad if you are reading this you know which one you are so don't may be called alot of things but a penny pincher isn't one of to call you hot headed but who are we kidding, I've seen you mad:) Back to the point, If any one of you has spoken to me lately and I seemed "ill" and negative. I apologize. I really need to work on my stress management. And the good Lord know just how to help me with that...................RAIN!!!!!! We have had more rain this summer in longer than I can remember and its forcasted for ALL of next week. Maybe we will get the outside finished one day :)


  1. You mean breed don't you? The only time your Mom lets me bread with her is when we are making a sandwich. Lol. And while you are talking about my personality traits you should also throw in intelligent, logical, fun loving, good looking, not to mention modest. (It still sounds like you doesn't it?) :-). Dad

  2. lets not point out my typing errors.....after all I am a reflection of you :)


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