Thursday, July 19, 2012

10 Weeks and Momma Growing Way too Fast????

Baby Bishop is the size of a Kumquat 

How Far Along: 10 weeks
Weight Gain: 6 lbs (ugg I know its a lot for 10 weeks)
Maternity Clothes: Not yet but its on the way I just know it
Stretch Marks: Not yet but I have begun lathering up with Mother's Friend twice a day
Morning Sickness: All day sickness is more like it but not too bad I haven't lost my food yet
Sleep: Good until I have to pee at 2:00am. (TMI???)
Baby Movement: Not yet.
Food Cravings: Anything to settle my stomach.
What I Miss: Sleeping all night without getting up (but its totally worth it)
Looking Forward To: Finding out what “it” is (August 30th...counting the days).
Milestones: "it's" vital organs — including his kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver (now making red blood cells in place of the disappearing yolk sac) — are in place and starting to function!


Today I went for my 10 week check up. Everything went well. I got to hear baby Bishop's heartbeat via Doppler. I was afraid Dr. M would fuss at me because of my whopping six pound weight gain but she said it was normal. However the Internet begs to differ. I blame my sick tummy. About every two hours I have an over whelming feeling to gag uncontrollably. The only thing I can do to combat this urge is to eat something. So its be sick or gain weight (fast) what's a girl to do. As you can see I chose to gain weight.......

Jonell giggled at me tonight and said "you aren't supposed to be showing this early. :( With this ringing in my ears I got on google images and searched 10 week first pregnancy belly pics. Thank goodness I am not the only one who shows this early....there are others. So I feel a little bit better.

On a different note does anyone have advice regarding which bottles to use??? I want to research all of this now so when 20 weeks gets here all I have to do is register and buy. My goal is to have everything possible done by the end of October. If you think about it after that the holidays will be here(busy busy), then boom it is almost time for him or her to make an appearance.

Until Next Time,


1 comment:

  1. Hey Brandi! I don't know if you remember me or not, but I saw your blog on Elena's blog. Congrats on the pregnancy! My daughter will be 2 next goes so fast!! :)
    As far as bottles go, we used the Dr. Brown's bottles. They have a ton of parts to wash and keep up with (get a basket that goes in your dishwasher and you can wash them that way...saves a TON of time!), but Ellie never had any trouble with reflux or any trouble eating. She would spit up some, but only when she ate too much. Hope it helps! There are so many out there, but whatever you decide will be great! I have a blog but it's private. If you are interested, just send me an email with your email address in it. My email address is


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