Monday, December 17, 2012

30 Weeks down 10 more to go

(Note that I wrote this post about a week and a half ago.....sorry for the delay)

First of all can I say wow!!!! Can y'all believe I am already 30 weeks? God Willing, in just 2 months and around 7 days we will get to meet our first born child!!!! Doesn't that give you chill bumps???

Madilyn weighs almost 3 lbs - about the weight of a head of cabbage.

How Far Along: 30 weeks

Weight Gain: 25lbs. I am officially over my original goal of 25 pounds total. But one thing I have learned about pregnancy is no matter how healthy you try to eat and no matter how many prenatal exercises you do,  you are going to gain what you are going to gain and there just isn't much you can do about it. (I know debbie downer......sorry)
Maternity Clothes: Yes, just no way around it most of the time.
Stretch Marks: Not yet but I am still lathering up with Mother's Friend and coco butter. Oh but I have developed the line that goes up the belly. I believe they call it, Linea Nigra?????
Morning Sickness: It seems to have passed although there have been a few mornings when I have felt the need to gag again.
Sleep: Pretty good. I have eased up on the number of times I have to get up at night and have acquired at least 3 additional pillows that I used to not need. Also I always feel it is hard to breath. Justin says if I get any louder with my attempts to get enough oxygen at night he is moving to the guest room (such a caring
Baby Movement: Yes there are a lot of days when she is quite the wiggle worm. Today while I was waiting to see the doctor I watched her kick. WATCHED her kick, I mean I could see my belly jump when she would do it. However she never does this when people are around. She absolutely refuses to let her grandparents feel her kick. Although JoNell did sneak her hand on my belly long enough to feel her once.
Food Cravings: Nothing comes to mind at the moment.
What I Miss: Being able to look in the mirror without being in absolute disgust ;)
Looking forward To: Christmas, Baby Showers and seeing our sweet baby's face!!!!
Milestones: Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.)

I must note that we have had two wonderful baby showers already. One with my coworkers and one with my besties. I was bad and left my camera at the house for my work shower. But I brought it for the shower with my besties. I will try to upload those and post about them soon.

Oh and I took a baby bump pic......are y'all proud???? Well I say baby bump pic but y'all I am not sure "bump" is the word anymore.

Can you Say WOWZERS????!!!!!

Until Next Time.....


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