Monday, October 11, 2010

I talk to Molli

I have always thought myself to be fairly independent. When I was growing up I never really asked for things. As soon as I could,  I worked and just bought them myself. Now my job requires me to be alone a lot. I thought I had grown accustom to it. However Justin has had to work the night shift a few nights this week and I have decided I like his company much better than I like my own. It is so boring being in a empty house with no one to talk to. Well, I take that back. I talk to Molli, our dog. Although I think she likes his company better too.

Here she is.....our Molli

I have had a busy weekend though. Friday night I took my niece and nephew out to pick out Halloween costumes. We had fun but every time I keep them together I find myself wondering if I want more than one child. Those two fuss and fight so much. They seem to be fuel for each other's bad behavior. Although alone, they are perfect angels.
Saturday I went to my friend LaRae's house for some girl time. We have a group of seven girls. We have been friends since high school. They are all having babies or planning for babies. It is little sad when you think about it. I mean I can't believe we are all old enough to be starting families. Its weird how time flies. I still feel like high school just ended a few months ago.
Sunday my mother in law threw her annual combined birthday party. It is for the many people that have birthday's around this time of year. So Happy Birthday all.
Today is Columbus Day which is a state holiday. (So no work for me). Yea!!! I intend on spending quality time with my hubby. Only bad part is this means I have to go back to work tomorrow which I dread. Maybe I'll be sick. lol

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