Monday, February 14, 2011

Hint Hint........

Friday night Justin and I went out to eat with a couple of friends and their two year old little girl, Abbi.  As Abbi sat in the chair with her Mom she whispered "I need to give him hugs" (referring to Justin). She finally escaped and sat down next to "Mr. Justin" and politely waited for him to finish his ice cream. After her asking for the fourth time "are you finished?" he finally pushed his plate away, put her in his lap and blushed as she hugged and kissed on him.

Sunday we took Justin's five year old little cousin to church with us. It is not what we are use to. When we have my niece and nephew they jabber all the way there and all the way home. Jada on the other hand is calm and quite. All morning she hugged Justin and made sure he carried her wherever she needed to go. They went to the play ground behind the church and he pushed her in the swing. Jada would then slide down the slide, Justin would catch her at the end and swing her around. Later we went to Granny Bonnie's to eat lunch. She rode on Justin's shoulders from the car to the house, giggling all the way.

I forgot to mention the preacher preached on raising children. In the sermon he mention several times children are a blessing from God. It is our job to raise them according to the King. He told heart felt stories of him and his son as well as stories him and his dad.

Although Justin doesn't agree don't you think maybe God is trying to send him a sign? ........... lol ;)


  1. I totally agree!! They really are the greatest gift you will ever recieve! Of course, the greatest responsibility too...but we won't bring that to his attention;)

  2. I definitely think it's a hint! He is so good with kids...last year at VBS Emma kept insisting that "Mr. Justin" was her teacher, ha! You will both make great parents when the time comes! :)


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