Sunday, February 20, 2011

Just Had to Share!!

Today in Sunday school we were given a new devotional. I was oddly excited about this one. I began it tonight. It is called "Experiencing God".

Wouldn't you know the first lesson was written just for me. What I took away from it was this..........

Typically we ask God to show us His will for our lives. What we really mean to say is "God please show me what to do , how to do it, when to do it and how it will turn out". God doesn't work that way.

"Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own", (Matthew 6:33-34).

In other words follow Him one day at a time, with or without details. When we don't we begin to worry every time we have to make a decision. We may then become immobilized in fear and worry. (bold and underline just for me because this has my name written all over it.)

Ah ha, this is why I am struggling to see God's will for me. I am looking miles up the road when I should just be looking at where my very next step will be (and that's all). Now, having said that I have no idea how to do this. Hopefully God and tomorrow night's lesson will help with that.


  1. We are doing this same study! Ours has a different cover, but the same author.

  2. You have motivated me...I will be thinking about it all day! I may have to run out to my car and get the book...just to take a peek. I will definitely be digging into this study tonight. I'm so glad we decided to go this route!

  3. P.S. Did you get me message about Friday night?

  4. Ashley, I did. I finnally got around to messaging you back.

  5. I just got it! Peach cobbler sounds great...I'm sure anything you make will be delicious! I talked to Allison too...she said she would meet us at the church a little before 6. Hope you have a good day back at work! :)


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